At our "Aim-Strive-Achieve!" parent information evening last night, Maurice Hoban from the BOT presented our School Masterplan. This is a very exciting document - it aims to identify the needs of our school in terms of it's physical environment.
It supports us to effectively plan to achieve the needs we have.
The BOT and staff, with input from our parent community have had the opportunity to give input into our needs as a school and tried to encapsulate it in one document.
The School Masterplan is comprehensive. Please click the link and take some time to examine it and give feedback to Maurice, the BOT or our staff.
Thank you for your interest and your time.
It supports us to effectively plan to achieve the needs we have.
The BOT and staff, with input from our parent community have had the opportunity to give input into our needs as a school and tried to encapsulate it in one document.
The School Masterplan is comprehensive. Please click the link and take some time to examine it and give feedback to Maurice, the BOT or our staff.
Thank you for your interest and your time.