Reading RecoveryReading Recovery is an effective early literacy intervention designed to significantly reduce the number of children with literacy difficulties in schools.
Reading Recovery provides daily one to one teaching with a specially trained teacher (Jenny Kirk) for children making the slowest progress in literacy learning after a year at school. It is supplementary to classroom instruction. Reading Recovery is supported and significantly funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Education. Developed in New Zealand, Reading Recovery is now widely implemented in English speaking countries throughout the world. Rainbow ReadingThe Rainbow Reading programme is CD assisted and involves the child selecting material at an appropriate level, listening and reading along silently with the CD and then reading aloud to the parent helper. This programme is designed to assist with fluency, accuracy and comprehension as well as confidence and enjoyment.
It is a programme has been developed in New Zealand by New Zealand teachers and has had very good results. |
STEPS-Learning Staircase ProgrammeLearning Staircase is a specialist literacy software programme that develops the processing skills involved in reading, spelling, vocabulary and comprehension. It targets learners who have processing difficulties such as;
Phonological awareness- processing the sounds and sound patterns of language and understanding how these map onto text, which includes; phonemic awareness, onset +rime, rhyme,syllabification,word retrieval, auditory discrimination Visual perception- visual discrimination, tracking, perceptual organisation, visual recognition Sequencing- visual sequencing, auditory sequencing, sequencing of ideas, planning of work Memory- visual/auditory/ kinaesthetic and working memory Motor development- spatial awareness/fine motor control/ gross motor skills Typically, these learners need a great deal more reinforcement of skills to fix it in long term memory. Students are nominated for the programme by their class teacher and SENCO and are then selected based on their spelling age results from the Schonell Test. The programme is implemented by trained teacher aides and students are initially withdrawn from class to attend a minimum of 3 x 30 minute sessions per week. They are transitioned to independently access the STEPS programme in class at a time selected by the class teacher. |